Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Disposition 8


what makes for a highly effective team or group?

In my experience, groups operate best when people are genuinely excited about and care about what they're doing. When people care, it's more likely that feet will get stepped on and feelings will get hurt, but if people are willing to work it out, the end product will be better than that produced by a group of people who aren't invested in their work.
I've also found that people need to be willing to work together- not prefer their own work to everyone else's. I feel it's more common for people to do too much of the work rather than people not doing what's expected of them. Everybody needs to have some sort of interest in the work and be willing to work together on the end product.

how is collaboration different than group work or cooperative learning?
The difference I see is that collaboration implies that people are coming from different backgrounds where as group works implies that you all have a lot in common. Cooperative learning also has a completely different goal- learning. Collaboration usually has some sort of material goal - a presentation or product.

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